Sell in May and go away

I feel energized and on top of the world right now. After a sluggish jet lagged Monday, I got a tough workout in and slept like a baby. I haven’t felt this energized and motivated at work in what feels like months. Again, another reminder that I need breaks more often and I need to treat my body better.

There’s a saying in finance that goes “sell in May and go away” which goes to describe the summer mentality of investors. The idea behind the quote is that stocks go down in the summer so it’s best to sell. Of course - that’s a saying and not particularly great blanket financial advice that we don’t adhere to.

However, more accurately is that the summer months are typically slower in the finance world. I myself just got back from a two week trip and many of our team is out of office. Our partners are also shuffling in and out of the office the next couple of months.

For us, the deals don’t stop and we’re going to be grinding to make sure we have a good summer. But it’s also an opportunity for us to take a step back and work on some other projects that will be crucial for us to close out the year strong. I plan on taking full advantage of the “slower” summer months.

Spain and Maine trip recap

As a trip recap, Sophia and I spent a week for her family’s reunion in Maine and then we hopped over to Spain for a week afterwards. We had a night in Boston, then Portland, and then hopped to North Port for the rest of the week.

Maine is one of the most gorgeous parts of the country and perhaps one of the most delicious as well with it’s abundance of seafood. Naturally, I ate a ton of amazing oysters, lobsters, and clams. There’s nothing like cracking open a freshly steamed lobster on a porch overlooking the tranquil Maine waters.

We didn’t do too much in Boston or Portland. It was a lot of relaxing, walking around, and eating great food. It was the perfect start to kick off our trip. The last time I was in Maine was in 2016 and I was happy to see that not much has changed for the better. We casually drove up the Maine coast stopping in a few towns and lobster shacks along the way.

I was able to meet the rest of Sophia’s family at the reunion. I was happy to meet the other side of her family for the first time as they are relatively spread out on the east coast. I also appreciated that our days and nights weren’t too planned. We all sat down and had dinner together, but the family largely chose their activities during the day. It was great being able to spend some extended time the family.

After almost a week in Maine, Sophia and I drove back to Boston to fly into Barcelona to kick off the second part of our trip. It was a relatively stressful couple of flights which included delays and intense jetlag after a long day of driving to Boston with her parents. But we made it and after a short nap, we were able to get to Cal Pep for a tapas dinner and capped off the night at Paradiso with a cocktail.

Sophia and I really enjoyed the 4 days and nights we spent in Barcelona. We were worried that we may get bored while there but that was never an issue for us as we filled our days with exploring, eating, and shopping. The Sagrada is one of the most impressive structures I’ve seen and walking around the old town exploring never got old.

Spain is one of the countries where the food really lives up to it’s hype and I’d argue that it could give Italy a run for it’s money as top European food country. From fine dining to hole in the wall type of joints to international food, I was impressed back when I visited for the first time a few years ago and I was even more impressed this time around… particularly in Basque country.

Sophia and I hopped over to San Sebastian after Barcelona. At this point of my life, I’ve been fortunate to see a lot of great places but San Sebastian is definitely in the top 3 with the other 2 being Tokyo and Koh Lipe.

It’s hard for me to imagine many better places to vacation than in San Sebastian. You have an old town on a peninsula with beautiful beaches to the west and east of the town. The surrounded landscape is stunning. On top of the natural beauty, San Sebastian is best known as the culinary capital of Spain and I immediately saw why once I stepped into Old Town and started our pintxos tour.

Nearly every bar in Old Town is a pintxos bar which is the Basque version of tapas. The idea here is that you stop in each bar, have a drink or two and eat some pintxos. Then you hop onto the next bar and do it again. This was an absolute dream for me as I happily bar hopped all evening drinking great cheap wine and beer to accompany my many pintxos.

The days can be spent exploring or on the beach. Then when you need a break, you just hop into Old Town and get some pintxos and wine. The word on the street is that the area has the most Michelin stars per capita as well, but Sophia and I were more than content eating the pintxos versus doing the fine dining route especially because Sophia is pregnant. Perhaps next time.

This was my kind of vacation and I loved my time in San Sebastian. I will undoubtedly be back here at some point. I have been harsh on the European food scene and have gone to say it is overrated as a whole, but Spain seems to always deliver and it’s why I keep coming back every couple of years.

I feel recharged and good to go again, but I’m already looking forward to our next big trip. Things may be different next time around with a baby on the way, but both Sophia and I have no plans to stop traveling.

Recharged after Maine and Spain

I’m back home after a much needed two week break. I wasn’t able to escape from work completely but my team was amazing and largely kept me focused on recharging. It’s amazing how much better you feel after some time away.

Things that simply did not sound interesting prior to my trip get me excited again. It sounds almost silly, but I was even having trouble trying to read through interesting newsletter that I normally would love. All of a sudden I feel a lot more excited to get back to work and get back to me.

I’ve struggled with burn out quite a bit in the past and I’m not happy that I let myself get to this point. I should’ve taken some time off earlier in the quarter. It’s been years in progress and I keep letting myself get to this point unfortunately. I know I need to do a better job and I’ll start this quarter.

Signing off

I just got off the last call of the day and will be fully in vacation mode in about an hour. It’s a great feeling and I just let out a big sigh of relief. I’ve been pushing hard these last few works but I’m running on fumes and it’s time to take a break.

I have an awesome team that is going to be covering for me and allowing me to take this time off so I’m grateful. I’ll probably try to write something every now and then, but I think it’s best if I can stay away from my computer as much as possible.

The moving goalposts

We’re at quarter-end which means next quarter planning. I will admit that it’s one of my least favorite things to do as we go through the painstaking process of evaluating ourselves this past quarter and then discuss how we’re going to amp things up next quarter.

This is of course very necessary and important to make sure the company is headed in the right direction. But it’s always tough to do for a couple reasons. The first being that it’s the end of the quarter and everyone is tired from the grind, specifically myself.

Secondly, it can always be a bit daunting to see the goal posts move. You just worked your ass off for the last 3 months to ensure that we hit or exceed our goals. And then next quarter the goals almost always get raised.

I go through this every quarter and it’s always stressful. The pressure starts almost right away and you’re back to the grind again with a much bigger target.

The positive side to this is that in my experience, things do snowball and build off of each other more than starting from a fresh clean slate every quarter. The momentum you build from the previous quarter usually builds upon itself and becomes exponential.

Goals are most intimidating at the beginning and get much more manageable as you chip away at it.

Summer goals

It was nice having a part day off today. I scheduled around most of the afternoon, but left one call on the books and some stuff I wanted to knock out before tomorrow. I was able to squeeze an early and quick morning of golf in and a short nap to recharge before getting on my computer.

I wish I had the option of starting later in my day more often. Sometimes it’s nice changing up my routine and not starting my day in the crack of dawn. If it was Vieje’s world, I’d start work everyday at 1pm and just work into the evening. But of course it’s not.

Perhaps in the future though when I’m feeling especially tired and burnt out, I can plan on doing these days from time to time. I have the flexibility to do so, but sticking to that is more difficult.

My friends and I were talking about what we’re going to do this summer now that most sports are over. Vacations and travel are in full swing. I’m lucky in that my summer travel is light minus our trip to Maine and Spain starting on Saturday.

With a kid on the way in November and things undoubtedly getting more difficult for Sophia in the 3rd trimester this fall, I wanted to set some intentions for this summer to get ready for the times ahead.

First and most importantly, I need to make sure to get back to a much better work state. Taking some time off to recharge is exactly what I need and I need to get back to making more reasonable schedules so I don’t burn my self out.

Second, I need to get more rest. I was in a very good place earlier this year, but bad habits have been creeping up. My bed time has slowly crept back. And my sleep quality has not been good to say the least.

I also want to make sure that I take the summer to enjoy my time with Sophia while we have no kids. I want to do more weekend trips whether it’s a road trip or a short flight. These things will be much more difficult down the road with a kid so I want to take full advantage of our freedom.

Last, I want to make sure to connect as much as I can with my friends. I’ve heard it gets much harder to find time for friends with a kid so I want to make sure I call, check-in, and visit friends as much as possible this summer.

Life is good

I had a tough day yesterday. A busy Monday morning was filled with multiple unexpected meetings, calls, and fire drills. When it rains, it pours.

When I get overwhelmed at work and life, it often can feel like the sky is falling. Negative thoughts flood often flood my mind. I get more irritable than usual. I’m likely not a happy person to be around these times. I’m sure we’ve all been there.

It wasn’t until I got my head above water 7 hours later when I finally could go outside and get fresh air, and destress with a long run. I felt instantly better and getting some endorphins did wonders for my mental state. I was able to get back to a place of gratitude after my run.

These stressful situations do not need to be as stressful as I made them yesterday. The sky was in fact, not falling. I didn’t need to solve every problem right away.

At the end of the day, I live a blessed life and sometimes I need to get outside and take a deep breath. It’s a good reminder that these stresses are temporary and my mindset is amplifying that stress. A 10 minute meditation may be in the works next time I see myself feeling overwhelmed.

Monday musings

It was another gorgeous weekend here in San Francisco. I had a fun and relaxing weekend, but it definitely did feel like I needed more time to unwind and get caught up. Simply put, I’m beat and running on fumes right now.

Luckily, I take off on Saturday for a 2 week trip to Maine and Spain and I’m incredibly excited. I have done an awful job at taking time off this year to reset and I can feel the burn. Minor things annoy the hell out of me. It’s harder for me to get going in the mornings. I’m not a pleasant person to be around during the work day right now and for everyone’s sake, I need to go take some time off.

This week I need to slow things down and set myself up for success on my time away. I need to make sure to say no to things and projects. And also wind things down and pass them off to the right team members.

I watched Bryson and Rory compete for the U.S. Open yesterday. It was an epic one and ultimately came down to Rory not being able to hit 2 short putts and Bryson hitting the shot of his life from 55 yards in a fairway bunker. The pressure seems to have gotten to Rory and I can relate. Despite not playing any competitive golf, I definitely get the jitters on the course often. It’s a mental game and one that can be cruel.

This was also my last Father’s day as a non-Father. Like many with Asian immigrant parents, I’ve had a complicated relationship with my Dad, but I’m happy to say that our relationship is the best that has been in my life. I hope that down the road, my children do not have to write about their complicated relationship with me and that our relationship is smoother.

The New American Dream

Like many others about to have their first child, Sophia and I have been talking about living arrangements in the future. Where and how will we buy our first house? It is after all the American Dream to become a homeowner.

Of course, the fact that we plan to live in either San Francisco or New York only in the next few years complicates things quite a bit. The cost of buying a home that would suit a family just isn’t that attainable despite Sophia and I having good jobs.

It’s something that troubles a lot of people. Housing in San Francisco and California is probably one of the biggest topics everyone loves to debate. For us, I’ve come to terms that the “American Dream” of homeownership is simply just optional in this day and age.

While renting is not ideal, it is a perfectly fine thing to do and we shouldn’t beat ourselves up for it. Furthermore, liquidating your entire investment and savings to buy a house is not a smart financial decision either. The American Dream of our parents is just no longer our American Dream and that is okay.

For myself, my American Dream is working a job that I enjoy and get satisfaction from while also being able to provide for my family and doing the things that make us happy. Maybe it’s a bit cliche, but that’s what will make me happy in the short-term.

Having to budget and sacrifice things that make us happy just to make a mortgage payment doesn’t sound good to me. Of course, I do one day hope to own a home, but that is on pause for now and that’s okay.

Celebrating the quarter

These past two weeks have been a grind. We’re short staffed with vacation times and there’s just a ton of work to be done before quarter-end right now. Fortunately, I’m through the worst of it and my hope is that I can spend most of next week doing clean-up work and taking down some of the lingering items that’s been on my plate.

My trip to Maine and Spain next Saturday couldn’t come at a better time. I fully plan on taking pretty much the entire time off. I’ll log on from time to time to clear my inbox and address any major issues, but it should be a quiet period with the 4th of July coming up.

I want to make sure the team and I properly celebrate our best quarter so far. We’ve worked our asses off this quarter and absolutely crushed our goals. For a small company like us, it’s easy to look past the accomplishment and start looking towards the next quarter and goals. Speaking on behalf of the entire company, I think we all deserve a much needed break during the 4th of July week.

Getting my head above water

I’ve been pretty much underwater since I woke up at 6:30am this morning. We’ve got a deal closing with a deadline that needs legal work, multiple deals being worked on, and on top of that my summer intern started today.

At 4:30pm today, I’ve finally had time to breathe and catch-up on things. I’m feeling relieved and also accomplished, but it was a hell of a day. Thankfully these days don’t happen too often. My normal tough days are usually much milder and less stressful.

It’s times like these that I’m happy I have an awesome team to help support. Without them, I wouldn’t have made it through today. So far seems like everything is working out and we’ll have a few big wins under our belts before the weekend.

Nostalgia for old tech

I remember the days of Windows 95. I remember my Dad first introduced me to the internet via his Gateway desktop computer in his office. He logged me into AOL when I was 5 years old and showed me chat rooms. Within 3 minutes of being in this chat room, he told me that I wasn’t allowed in there until I’m an adult.

My first internet experience was memorable for that reason, but I quickly became hooked on computers afterwards. I looked forward to going to my Dad’s office on Saturday mornings to play on the PCs. It wasn’t long until I got my own PC which ran Windows 95.

Those days were special. The load computer trying to boot up. Waiting for the AOL dial-in connection. Waiting for a few minutes to load a webpage. It felt like I had a superpower on my finger tips.

Nowadays, tech has evolved exponentially and it has become ingrained in our lives to the point where it doesn’t really feel special anymore. I wake up, check my phone. Get into work, log onto my computer. It’s almost an afterthought now.

Yesterday, I got a new work laptop for the first time in a few years. It was fun and shiny for about 10 minutes and then it just became yet another laptop. When I had my first new desktop when I was a kid, I remember almost wanting to sleep with the computer. I was that excited. I miss those days from time to time.

Not sweating the small stuff

I had another great weekend with a nice blend of rest and recovery and also fun. Sophia, a couple friends and I went to go watch The Empire Strips Back on Saturday which was a Star Wars parody burlesque show. I didn’t really know what to expect and candidly I thought it was going to be weird, but it was hilarious and entertaining and I’m glad we went.

I got a round of golf in on Sunday and the difficult course combined with my swing being off made it a rough afternoon. But I need to remember that I’m there to have fun and just enjoy being able to golf. I’m not going pro anytime soon and I know that being able to golf often is coming to an end in the near future with our child on the way.

I also had another minor annoyance when my laptop screen just went black on me while watching Netflix. It seems like the computer may have overheated and the port on the motherboard may have burnt up as I heard a pop and some smoke come out. Luckily, I’m still able to use the laptop with an external monitor but this is undoubtedly annoying and I’ll need to get a new laptop.

Again, I need to remind myself that this is just a minor annoyance and not to stress about the small things in life. Computers break. We get unlucky at times. And I’m not always going to play well in golf. If these annoyances are all I have to complain about over a good weekend, then life is good.

The GameStop saga

I have no position in GameStop and have no real desire to participate in any memestock, but I found myself rooting for Roaring Kitty as he tried to rally GameStop’s price up. I simply thought it was hilarious that something like this was happening and wanted to see if they could actually pull it off.

Unfortunately, it was for naught and the stock tumbles 40% after earnings release and announcement that the company was selling more stock.

Of course, most people probably could see this coming. These situations almost always end up the same with retail getting shafted the most. I can imagine a lot of ordinary working class folks lost a lot of money today which is sad. Degens will be degens.

I have no idea what will happen to Roaring Kitty. This does feel like market manipulation and seems like an easy target for the Feds to go after.

Regardless, it was entertaining at least for me who was sitting on the sidelines. I can’t imagine this will be the last time we see something like this happen.

Fintwit Influencers

I don’t really tweet anymore ever since Elon acquired the company as the platform has gone to shit. I used to love Twitter as a place to learn and meet interesting people. I’ve met a good number of people from Twitter in real life over the years. Nowadays, it’s basically all ads and porn. Clicking on a viral tweet basically confirms that you’ll be seeing some gross stuff in the replies.

I still get the urge to scroll through during downtimes. One of the latest trends is that there’s a user going after the Fintwit folks like the sweaty startup guy, Peter Schiff, and Codie Sanchez. Now I don’t know any of these people and I have no desire to dive deep, but these are folks who have built large followings on the platform based on their successes in investing.

I am always wary of folks on the internet. It’s easy to pretend like you are someone you’re not and there’s a ton of that. Of course there are a lot of wildly successful people who provide amazing insights as well. So it’s a hard balance to figuring out what’s real and what’s not.

The fact that there is a parody account going after these purported grifters has been absolutely hilarious if this account is even half correct. There’s some bold claims like these influencers have effectively lost their LPs money and never worked at where they said they worked before.

The problem with fintwit influencers is that they have developed a bit of a cult following and often times will utilize their following to raise money. They are great marketing themselves and people start to worship them on the internet. Then they often capitalize on that base. If this account is right, I sure hope that the retail investors did not get shafted too bad. Maybe that’s wishful thinking.

Decisions and life

Sophia and I have been discussing some very big life decisions since the weekend. We are undoubtedly at a fork in the road right now. We’ve been in San Francisco for 6 years. We love our apartment but with a child on the way at the end of the year, we know we need to move to a new space.

On top of that, we’re starting to build out our office in New York and will be focusing our hires there from now on. I’m not required to be there, but I know it’s the best thing for the company if I’m there working with the rest of the team on a day to day basis.

For most, the idea of moving a newborn to New York City sounds counterintuitive. But it’s something that I’m embracing as an opportunity. I know that it is likely the best decision for my career and for Secfi.

However, the career aspect is just one piece of things. There’s the personal aspect as well. I’d be leaving behind my parents and teenage sister who would for sure would like to be around our child and also help out. We’re closer to Sophia’s parents so that’s also something to consider.

I’m also leaving behind my closest friends who I know will be upset that they won’t be able to be around our new child on a regular basis. It’s a brutal reality that we’re dealing with right now and weighing.

There’s a ton of time still and a lot more thinking that Sophia and I will have to do before making a decision to stay in SF or move to NY. On the plus side, I know deep down that both decisions will be great and there’s no bad route here.

Closing the quarter

It’s almost 80 degrees here today in San Francisco. We don’t get a typical summer here in the SF, but this short heat wave has got me in the summer mood. It’s nice to be able to wear shorts and a t-shirt to the office.

I’ve got 3 weeks until my trip to Maine and Spain and I’m already counting down the days. I’m feeling especially rejuvenated after our offsite to Chicago last week, but it’s pretty telling that I feel like a new person after taking some time off. A couple weeks away from a laptop after closing out a monster quarter is exactly what I needed.

In the meantime, we’ve got a lot to do to close out the quarter strong. We’ve already hit our major goals, but have a lot of smaller goals that we’re lacking behind. Perhaps more importantly, I’m going to need to spend a lot of my time these next few weeks recruiting.

In the past, I’ve found it relatively easy to slack off a bit during summer especially in a quarter when things have gone well and goals have been hit early. However, these are incredibly valuable weeks to get everything on track so we can have yet another great quarter ahead.

The immigrant mentality

Sophia and I went to watch the Lehman Brothers play on Saturday. I’m not a Broadway junkie, but I do love a good show every now and then. I was worried that Sophia who has next to no interest in finance or business history would be asleep by the halfway point of the 3 hour show. Thankfully she ended up enjoying it.

I love stories about how our immigrant ancestors came to America with literally next to nothing. Henry, Emanuel, and Mayer Lehamn came to America in their 20s in the 1840s from Germany speaking little to no English and not much money. After weeks at sea, they would land in a foreign land with nowhere to turn but themselves.

It’s incredibly inspiring to think how a small goods store in Montgomery, Alabama would eventually turn into one of the largest banks in the world over 150 years later. In the first 20 years of operations, the original Lehman brothers would deal with a devastating fire in Montgomery and then the Civil War.

One of these setbacks may have been enough to devastate any business, yet they kept going and rebuilding. That’s the beauty behind the immigrant mentality - you’re forced to keep moving forward as there is no one else to bail you out. It was inspiring to hear their story.

My Father came to this country when he was 19 to go to college. Like the Lehmans he would eventually started his own business. He worked 6 days a week like clockwork and still runs it today from home.

Immigrants are the backbone of America. They come here with little to no money in hopes of chasing the American dream. While I am fortunate to have grown up in this country, I hope to make sure to never lose that immigrant mentality and I hope to build Secfi with that menality.

Sunday catch-up

This weekend has been a godsend to get caught up after a long week in Chicago. I feel like I’m just starting to get halfway decent at saying no to things, getting proper rest, and trying to feel good going into the week.

As hard as it is to say no to friends and social events at times, I need to remember how good it feels to wake up feeling well rested and productive. It’s not even 1pm and Sophia and I have had a nice breakfast and gotten all our errands out the way.

I’m planning on spending an hour or two getting caught up on everything personally and at work this afternoon. This used to be a Sunday ritual of mine. I would effectively start my work week off on Sundays so I could ease into my work day on Mondays.

As the years have gone on, I’ve gotten either too busy or perhaps just wanted more time to recharge. I will say it does feel damn good to be productive over the weekend again. Perhaps my ritual will start to come back as I enter this new phase of life.

Celebrations in Chicago

I had a fun and productive week out in Chicago with the US team. Our primary goal for this trip was to simply just spend time with each and celebrate some of the wins we’ve had. Of course, a lot of work will naturally get done as well.

We had a perfect schedule of some light planned activities mixed in with just enough downtime for all of us to sit down and chat through things with each other. We had a few great meals planned together mixed in with a river boat tour as well as the Cubs game.

I always find it amazing just how much stuff gets done when we’re all in person together. Besides the obvious lack of scheduling, discussions and decisions just happen much quicker. People are just more open when meeting in person and we can’t ignore just how much better it is for the team to get together.

I personally took the opportunity to unwind a bit, relax, and celebrate getting out of the last couple of years. I was absolutely exhausted by the end of the trip and glad I had this weekend to recover before getting back to the grind.