Everyone's a fintech now!

Another long week. I’ve got to do a much better job at stabilizing my hours and ensuring that I don’t take work home. It’s difficult and I’ve been proud of what I’ve done but the last few weeks have been rough and stressful. It’ll be my focus in March as we have a difficult month to close out the quarter.

I’m headed to Portland tomorrow to visit friends, shop at the Nike and Adidas stores, and do some wine tasting. Hoping to get some good R&R and then use Sunday to catch up on life back home.

On to the next…

We’re very likely in a sort of fintech bubble. Big banks and companies have realized that the red tape really hinders moving fast and innovating. Instead, they have gone to their big coffers of cash to acquire fintech companies instead.

We saw Plaid get acquired for $5b by Visa and now Credit Karma was acquired for $7b by Intuit. Shareworks was bought by Morgan Stanley in the last few months as well. With big cash piles, we may see this trend go on for a bit.

Andreesen had a great article on everyone becoming a fintech. While I truly believe that nearly every company will be “fintech” in some capacity, it is also really interesting to take a step back and see everyone trying to get a piece of the fintech pie.

Infrastructure companies such as Marqeta and Galileo have made it very easy for companies to offer banking services and issue credit and debit cards. No longer reserved for large companies like airlines, companies like Uber have their own credit cards with rewards. Lyft is offering free banking for their drivers.

Everyone seems to want a piece of this pie and given the recent acquisitions I can see why. We’re at an exciting time in fintech. I’m happy to be part of it with Secfi.

Pre-wealth advisory

In the markets today we got the small bounce we were all looking for to start the day but unfortunately the good times didn’t last and we ended up closing the day slightly below yesterday. I expect there to be further losses but hopefully we’ve hit the worst with the coronavirus panic. I’m holding steady and making sure I don’t overreact.

On to the next…

Today I joked with a contact at a big private company that my life of helping people with their stock options isn’t as boring as it seems. I don’t think she believe me.

I do truly get enjoyment out of what I do on a day to day basis. I speak to multiple clients on a daily basis where I explain and educate our clients on their equity value. Then I offer them solutions to help achieve their goal.

This sounds easy on paper, but in reality stock options are insanely complicated. Taxes, company growth, personal considerations, etc. — stock options seem to touch on nearly every complicated subject in personal finance.

I speak to so many people on a daily basis that are late to the game on planning. Sadly enough, most simply just had no idea that planning around stock options will usually leave you ahead in the game. The default is to do nothing which is the worst possible thing you an do with stock options.

That’s why Secfi exists. We like the word “pre-wealth advisory” to describe what we do. So many of our clients are in the pre-wealth phase where they may be paper rich waiting for their companies to exit so they can finally enter in the wealth phase of their lives.

Of course, nothing is guaranteed but planning ahead with your stock options will put you ahead.

My life may sound boring, but there may be nothing more fulfilling than when someone explains how much of an impact I made on their financial situation.

Fear and panic

I’m writing this as I’m watching the South Carolina Democratic debate. Bernie is getting the front runner treatment and getting absolutely roasted by the other candidates. It was a better showing by Bloomberg. There’s still 30 minutes to go, but I thought this was a much better showing for Bloomberg and he should benefit from everyone else roasting Bernie.

On to the next…

The market sell-off continues. Fear and panic over the potential pandemic from the coronavirus is rampant. Nearly all my close friends are screaming recession and saying I told you so.

In times like these people like to forget the events of the past few months.

I’m not sure what’s crazier: the fact that my portfolio is down 11.06% in the past week or that my portfolio is still up 11.30% in the past 3 months.

The coronavirus mess is not going to resolved in the next month. This is going to continue for some time. There will likely be further market falls as news of the virus gets worse. Perhaps there will be a bounce back or two. If the virus gets as bad as the worst fear, we’re going to have a much bigger problem than worrying about our stocks.

With that said, spring is coming. Coronavirus will go away. The markets will bounce back. In these times, we need to hold on to our wits and not panic. This may be the best buying opportunity we’ll see all year.

Pandemic and market fears

As expected, the market tanked today amidst fears of the coronavirus affecting our global economy.

Is the coronavirus the beginning of the end of this bull run? @charliebillello put together this great list and remarked that each of these corrections seemed like the end of the world at the time. For those that don’t want to count, this is the 26th time since March 2009 that there’s been a correction >5%.


There’s a lot of good logical reasoning why this time is different. None of the previous times listed above had factories being closed resulting in supply chains being impaired. This is the first time we’re seeing large scale travel bans.

With that said, this could very well just be a dip and the coronavirus is largely contained in the next few weeks and markets will bounce back.

I know a lot of smart people who cried recession at the other times on this list and were wrong. I am not sure how this will all play out, but I’m puling back a bit with my fingers crossed that this all gets handled soon.

There's no denying it now

Like many, I was on the side that the coronovirus was likely to be all but over and it was a media hype. The battle between VC and media on Twitter in regards to the coronovirus was probably one of the more entertaining twitter arguments in recent history.

I am still not 100% convinced that we need a global panic right now. Many more people have died from the flu in January and February. The death rate of the coronovirus is relatively low compared to SARS and MERS.

I completely understand the argument for erring on the side of caution, but I’m not a doctor so I typically like to try to laugh these things off.

I have an upcoming vacation planned to South Korea and Japan with Sophia and friends at the beginning of April. After being on anti-cancel the trip team, it’s starting to look more and more like that these countries will start to be on lock-down by the time April comes around.

There’s no denying that we are on the brink of a pandemic now. I remain hopeful that everything will be contained in the next two weeks, but it does not seem likely. Countries will need to do the responsible thing and control travel.

Every nation needs to employ all necessary precautions to get everything under control before things get worse.

If things continue on this trend, hopefully we can postpone our trip to later this year once everything is controlled.

Jason Calacanis vs DHH

I got back from Tahoe tonight after a full day of snowboarding. It was a great day on the slopes. Francis and I ended up meeting some of his old coworkers and it was awesome spending the day with them. They come from the fintech world and they’re all doing some really cool things nowadays.

We talked a lot about finance, data science, stock options, and VC money. It’s never a bad day on the slopes when you have good conversation and I learned a lot from them.

On the drive home today, Francis and I listened to the latest podcast by angel investor Jason Calacanis where he hosts David Heinemeier Hansson who is the co-founder of Basecamp.


Jason and DHH are two of the most opinionated people on Twitter that I follow and I have seen them go after it quite a few times on Twitter. I was fully expecting a gloves off fist fight between them on various topics ranging from capitalism to Uber and I was ready to be entertained.

To my surprise, they agreed much more than I think anyone anticipated. While each held their own opinions and thoughts on how the world works, or should work, they both made several great points on some controversial topics.

The podcast was one of the best I’ve listened to in the last few months and I learned quite a bit from both Jason and DHH. I was driving so unfortunately was not able to take notes, but there were several points that I wanted to highlight that I thought were worth noting:

  • The agreement that healthcare and education in the US is absolutely awful and that the U.S. needs to copy exactly what works in Europe. We can debate capitalism vs socialism all we want, but some things are done better from a socialist standpoint such as healthcare and education.

  • DHH’s beliefs that Marissa Mayer bragging about working 100+ hour weeks is absolutely bonkers and that as a society we would be better off working much less so we can enjoy life.

  • The debate on wealth tax. I found myself siding a bit more with Jason on this topic as I believe creating a wealth tax where you have to value all assets will cause much more headache than good. The rich will just find loopholes to pay less on the wealth tax. I don’t believe valuing assets will be as easy as DHH makes it sound.

  • The agreement that tech companies should be broken up as they have become monopolies. This has been one of the more interesting debates going on in this Presidential election. To my surprise, both Jason and DHH seem to agree that these companies should be broken up to encourage competition and spur innovation. I have been a bit on the fence as I believe the major issue is with data, but the angle of allowing more competition made me lean towards taking the position that these companies should be broken up.

  • Jason and DHH do a great job of analyzing the issue with data and how these large tech companies are using our data. I have always been a bit more on the relaxed side of things in regards to data and privacy, but this conversation got me thinking quite a bit about privacy. There were some great solutions brought up such as forcing tech companies to allow users to opt out of their data being collected.

As I reflect back on the nearly 2 hour podcast, I realized how much content there was in this podcast. It truly was one of the better listens and I look forward to listening to it again soon so I can digest it a second time.

The San Francisco housing situation

I was born and raised in the Sunset district of San Francisco. This city is more than just a tech city. It represents culture, diversity, and tolerance. The city has a rich history that any San Franciscan should be proud of.

We also have our complaints and rightfully so. It has handled the influx of money from tech horribly. It was allowed the homeless situation get beyond the point of repair. With all that said, it is still my city and I am still proud to be born and raised here.

I would like to raise my kids in the city one day. Unfortunately, it’s looking more and more likely that we won’t be able to buy a house in the city anytime soon.

It’s a sad realization and something that Sophia and I have been dealing with. We are currently in the process of moving to a bigger apartment next door. While the space is perfect for couple, we know that in the next few years we’ll need to be looking for a bigger space for our kids.

Of course that is down the line and perhaps things will change in a few years.

Maybe the city will figure it out and do something to make available more affordable housing. I for one won’t be betting on that.

Perhaps the better route would be to consider raising our kids in another country for that international experience. Maybe down the road we can finally move back and purchase a home when we are a bit more stable financially.

Either way, it will be interesting to follow the San Francisco housing market in the next few years.

The SF homeless situation

I’ve been swamped and stressed with work all week. I feel like I’ve been playing catch-up for 3 weeks and it’s been a rough last week. I’ve been pulling double digit workdays this week and my list of things to do is not getting any smaller.

Balancing work and personal life seems impossible at time, but sometimes you just need to take a step back, breathe, and realize that everything is going to be fine. I’m going to head up to Tahoe tomorrow to get my mind off things and use Sunday morning/afternoon to try to get caught up.

On to the next…

I wanted to write about the SF homeless problem, but from a different angle.

The situation is well documented and it does not take long on Twitter or on news sites to find people complaining about the problem. It is a bad situation that is getting worse and it needs to be addressed.

Perhaps I will write about that a different day, but this post is about empathy and human suffering that I felt compelled to write about.

I was on walk down Market Street yesterday as I was trying to clear my head yesterday. I was in a particular weird mood… I was stressed and absolutely exhausted. Things in my mind were not exactly rosy.

It didn’t take me long to really hunker down and focus on the immense human suffering happening on the streets of San Francisco. There was a homeless person living out of a cart, bag, or with absolutely nothing pretty much everywhere you turned.

It’s sometimes easy to write these people off and assume that this was self inflicted. On other the hand, we really don’t know anyone’s story. Abuse, neglect, and just downright shitty situations could and perhaps is even the likely story here.

As much as we like to deny this, we’re not that far off from these people. Some of us make the birth lottery. Some of us are born with more opportunity. Some of us are just lucky.

I was watching an elderly woman sit on her cart on Market yesterday. Her entire life was on this shopping cart and I noticed 2 bowls of instant ramen that was likely her only meals that day.

I don’t know how she got to this point or her story. The look on her face was something I’ll never forget. She just sat there. Gazing straight ahead. Minding her own business nearly emotionless.

I had this sinking gut feeling that she was just sitting there… waiting for death and her way out of this tough life. It was a look of pain and suffering I won’t ever get rid of in my mind.

I am very lucky to have the life I do. I hope the good fortunes continue, but I will remain grateful for everything I have today. Not many people are so lucky.

Monday musings (on a Tuesday)

I’m a bit scatter-brained today as I catch-up on my work life after taking the long weekend off after a long two week sprint. I had a lot of thoughts throughout the day and just decided to write down a bunch of random unrelated thoughts today.

I woke up today to Robinhood notifications to many of my stocks were at a new all-time high. I cannot believe how many mornings I’ve woken up to these notifications throughout the last months. My entire portfolio closed up 1.76%.

Bloomberg is now squarely the #2 in the race. It was pretty obvious to me many months ago that Bloomberg was going to make a real run at the Democratic candidacy. He has too much money and backing to not be in the consideration. The real test for Bloomberg comes tomorrow at the debates.

There is such a crazy divide among the democratic party between the ultra-left leaning (Sanders) and the more moderate Dems (Bloomberg, Mayor Pete, Klobuchar). This divide may ultimately be the reason why the Dems lose the election later this year. Can Bloomberg/Mayor Pete unite the party if they win the nomination? It does not look good.

DoorDash has won the battle for favorite food delivery apps in my phone with their partnership with Lyft offering free DoorDash deliveries. The food delivery wars is one of my favorite battles going on right now. Consolidation is inevitable, but until that happens, the race will be one fun to watch and great for my wallet as a consumer.

Damn good weekend

I wrote about most of my weekend activities yesterday. I capped off the weekend at a BBQ yesterday catching up with a lot of old friends from college. Today, I did a quick day trip to Kirkwood.

I am beat from the long day of driving and snowboarding, but it’s a fulfilling exhaustion. I had an amazing weekend and I feel great. Best of all, I didn’t do more than 10 minutes of work.

I’ve had a long 2 weeks and needed a great weekend to take my mind off of work. I’m back at it again tomorrow, but I am ready.

The urge for bad habits

I’ve had an amazing weekend so far.

Thursday was Sophia’s birthday so I decided to buy her tickets to Lazy Bear. I am huge foodie, but generally stay away from these over hyped expensive restaurants. At most of these places, I always leave still hungry and the dishes generally do not live up to the hype. The double whammy.

Lazy Bear was one of the few high-end Michelin rated joints that I would always recommend people to. The experience of a dinner party is one of a kind and each dish had me wanting more. I couldn’t be happier with Lazy Bear and will definitely be back sooner than later.

On Friday night, Sophia and I cooked dungeness and a porterhouse steak for our surf and turf Valentine’s Day dinner. It was the relaxing evening that I needed to recover from a long week.

Yesterday, we went on a 7.5 mile hike in Oakland Regional Park with some friends and burnt off what we ate the last night. I’ve caught up on sleep the past 2 nights and I feel great writing this.

R&R weekend is going swell so far, but it hasn’t been easy. Starting yesterday, I had this sudden urge to check e-mails and get work done.

I work hard 5-6 days in a row and my body and mind is adjusted to thinking that I need to continue this trend. Call it bad work habits, but it’s something that’s hard to kick.

My inner self is at times looking for excuses for doing work. Last night, it was Sophia saying she needed to send a work email, so I used that as an excuse to check emails and then start my tax return for my LLC.

If the 2010s was the era for excess screen use and social media, my bet is on the trend that the 2020s will be the return to the present moment.

The rise of wellness and meditation apps is kickstarting this trend. The continued issues with social media and excessive phone use affecting our children will take this trend to the next level.

Wellness apps and start-ups that help take you off your phone and computer will continue to be rolled out. Social media will be (hopefully) used to connect people in person again rather than as a medium for people to chat behind screens.

This will be a new age. One in which people focus on being present and enjoying time with each other. Video games and instant communication will not go away, but people will learn that life is right here, right now and not on your screen.

Much needed R&R

Unfortunately I’ve missed a couple days of writing. We had some big meetings towards the end of this past week and I worked 12+ hour days to help prepare so writing has been one of the last things on my mind.

I’ve largely controlled my hours this past year so I can balance the grind of being a small start-up and not burning myself out. This week got out of hand, but we accomplished a lot and really set the stage for this upcoming year.

There’s a lot to be excited about in 2020 for Secfi. I am so grateful to be part of this team and I am beyond excited to write about this adventure this next year.

With that said, I am exhausted and plan on doing as close to nothing as possible in regards to work until Tuesday. I hope to relax, spend time with friends, hit the slopes, and write about personal things.

I’ll be even better and more excited to hit Tuesday morning running because of this.

The fomo market

I was having lunch with some people from the team today and making fun of myself for being a sissy and not buying more $SHOP before the earnings release. It went up almost 10% since and I had been looking to buy in for over the last month.

I barely got “it’s up 10%” out of my mouth when my coworker said, “it’s been up 30% since you started talking about it and I bought in.”

I’m glad I gave someone a good buy tip at least, but I’m of course kicking myself for this. I wrote about the month of fomo last week and nothing has changed.

The market so far in 2020 has been amazing. Seemingly everything is going higher. It’s good to be a long investor in this market.

This of course is the dangers of investing. It’s really easy and you can even say human nature to get greedy in this environment. I look at 10 and even 20% gains in short periods as the norm and it’s easy to start thinking about doubling down thinking it’ll happen again.

We’re in a historic bull run, but we need to remember to take profits and properly diversify. Yolo trades are fun until they’re not.

Over the next month, I’ll also be looking to take profits and diversify away from some of my heavily appreciated tech positions. There are some great value stocks out there and I don’t own enough at this point.

Thanks Andrew Yang

I just read an op-ed on CNN titled Thank You, Andrew Yang by Jeff Yang and I felt the need to write about it. Andrew Yang announced today that he was suspending his Presidential campaign.

I first heard about Andrew Yang on Joe Rogan’s podcast. I read the description of the pod and instantly declared him to be a crazy socialist. I listened to the full pod with every intention of trashing him and dragging him along the mud to my friends and inner circle

I finished the podcast and not only did I like the guy, but he jumped to the top of my candidate list. Yang needed a miracle to win the Presidency and no one including myself ever thought that he would be a serious candidate.

That is not the point however. Andrew Yang represented something different.

Yes, he was Asian American and I’m not going to lie and say that did not have a minor impact. As an Asian American, I would love to see a fellow Asian American in the white house one day.

However, the thing that impressed me most about Andrew Yang was his practicality and his thought leadership on tech among his democratic candidates.

Yang was the only candidate to understand the coming of robots and automation. People will be out of jobs in 10 years. Yang was not afraid to preach that.

He understood that the issue with big tech companies is, well not the companies in itself, but the data they controlled.

I don’t know Universal Basic Income (UBI) will ever work. It tethers on socialism and I am a believer that if you give a little, it may be too much of a slippery slope for us to stop. But if Yang was running it, I would entertain it and be open to trying it.

The unfortunate reality is that Yang may have been too intelligent to appeal to the masses of America. As we saw in 2016, the uneducated unfortunately dictated the course of the election and led to our current “President.”

I’m not sure if Andrew Yang will be a candidate in 2024, but his legacy is set in stone. If he does make a run, I’ll be there to follow and support him. He paved the path. Thanks Andrew Yang.


I meditate almost every morning using the Calm app. I learned to meditate using Headspace, but switched to Calm because of the Daily Calm which is a new meditation every morning. I find it refreshing and the narrator always ends with a new lesson and/or fun fact for the day.

Today’s meditation was called Otsukaresama which is a Japanese word. If you translate this directly to English, it translates to “you are tired.” This is one of those words that no direct translation can justify though.

The Japanese use the word Otsukaresama to greet each other in a positive light. When you show up to work, you use it as a way of saying thank you for your hard work. After work or when you are leaving, the word is used to express that you worked hard today so you are tired so thank you.

The work is hard so thank you. You have worked hard so thank you. A lot of Japanese culture comes down to showing gratitude and that is one of the reasons that I love Japanese culture.

I write this in the evening in my office where many of us are still grinding. Many people can feel sorry for themselves in these situations, but I am lucky to be in this situation. To have this opportunity to work on building a great company with amazing people is a dream come through.

The hard work will come and go. Otsukaresama.

Secfi family

Things are a bit weird at home. Usually Sunday nights consist of sitting on the couch with Sophia and our cat Toro. The house feels a lot emptier. I know things are going to be difficult for awhile as we adjust.

On to the next…

I didn’t know what I was getting into when I joined Secfi almost a year and half ago. One of the best surprises was that I gained a family.

Between trips to our Amsterdam office, company off sites to Norway and Austria, and visits to San Francisco, the Secfi family is going strong and we’re getting closer than ever.

Today we decided to take a quick day trip up to Sonoma for lunch and wine tasting. It was a short 6 hours together, but it reminded me that if we’re doing this right, we’ll be more than co-workers.

We discussed a Dutch word at lunch called gezillig. There may be no direct English translation, but it’s a word used to describe that feeling of a cozy situation. After the events on Friday, going to Sonoma with the Secfi family and friends was gezillig.

WhatsApp Image 2020-02-09 at 4.04.59 PM.jpeg

Eat in Peace, Toro

Our cat Toro has been battling with lymphoma over the past month. We had last saw the vet on Thursday and although Toro has not been himself, we made the plan to put him down sometime after the weekend if he was not doing better. The vet said he was not suffering and I figured we would take the weekend to say goodbye.

Unfortunately, Sophia called me last night when she got home from work and said Toro was not doing well. I canceled our dinner plans and rushed home. I knew right away that it was time.

This was the first time in my life that I’ve had to put a pet to sleep. It happened so quick. I hardly had time to process all my emotions. I felt happiness for the years we had, sadness for the thought that he was not going to be around, and of course relief that he was headed to a better place.

I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on our life the past 7.5 years together. I adopted Toro one weekend on an impromptu visit to the Seattle Humane society. It was a silly college decision made without too much thought but ended up being one of the decisions I made.

I have never been a cat person. I had always thought I would get a dog soon after college, but the appeal of a lower maintenance pet was appealing. I suppose it’s true that the best things in life are unexpected.

Toro was everything I was looking for. He was a dog-like cat that quite possibly might be the most affectionate animal I have ever met.

We had striking similarities including our love for food. I shared many meals with Toro and his favorite meal was Costco rotisserie chicken.

I learned a lot from Toro. I learned what it meant to care for someone else besides myself. I learned patience and gained fatherly instincts. I learned that sometimes it’s okay to just sit all day and do nothing.

I’m going to miss him a lot. I adopted him when I was 22 so you can say we grew up together. He was around for some of my highest highs and some of my lowest lows. You could always count on him for a cuddle at the end of a long day.

The vet asked if I wanted to keep his ashes and I surprisingly said yes. I was initially against keeping my pet’s ashes, but I realized that I wanted his legacy to live on. He’s had such a big impact on my life, and I wanted to make sure that I never forgot him.

Eat in Peace, Toro. I hope the Costco rotisserie chicken buffet is as good as we had hoped.

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast

I borrow a lot of terms from the military for use in my business and personal life. One of my favorites is “Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast”.

The quote is used by the US special forces to wage combat against an enemy. In the fog of war, the first instinct for the layman is usually to move as fast as possible as that’s the best way to avoid getting killed. In reality, moving too fast will cause you to lose focus, training, and likely your goals as well. The fastest way is to move slow and smoothly.

Of course, there’s a large application of this to business and something I’m currently practicing right now. This last month has been nothing short of amazing for Secfi as we’ve hit many major milestones.

Our team and investors have so many great ideas for taking this company to new heights. Marketing, growth hacking, hiring, etc…. all insanely exciting stuff.

It’s times like these that we need to remind ourselves that “Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast.”

Exciting as it may be, trying 50 different things without executing properly leads us nowhere. Rushing products to market without proper planning and testing will lead to failure. Hiring as fast as we can will lead to more trouble down the road.

Things move fast in the startup world. We brainstorm, create, iterate, fail, and try again. These things take time and patience.

Secfi did not get to this level of success by throwing darts on the board and seeing what sticks. We went slow in development, marketing, and hiring. That resulted in a smooth process that we are proud of and that our clients love. Now our growth is much faster than we envisioned.

Now is the time to grow, but while we do, we need to take a step back and remember, “Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast.”

A backbone?

I was not surprised to see Trump get acquitted today by the Senate. I was surprised to see one Republican senator actually vote to convict Trump. Kudos to you Mitt Romney, you have a backbone and earned a lot of respect today.

Yeah I know… this could all be a political play and Romney just has his eyes set on the 2024 election. Time will only tell. Regardless, this may be the only time I’ll give props to a Republican senator in the near future so let’s end on that.

I reflected a little bit on this today after reading this and realized how important it is to have a backbone to be successful in the business world. When discussing a “backbone”, I can’t help but think about one of my former bosses at my last firm who would yell at people, “Do you not a have a backbone?”

She was a very stereotypical crude New Yorker and I never would recommend that you need to be like her to be successful although she was undoubtedly very successful. With that said, it’s an important takeaway and piece of advice.

Being passive and going with the flow only gets you so far. You need to learn to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. Have a backbone and don’t let people walk all over you.

Month of the fomo

The big news in the markets the past week is obviously Tesla which has closed today at $887. On August 4th, the stock closed at $228. You can do the math on that gain.

This is purely anecdotal but Tesla is quite possibly the most talked about stock on social media. Memes and jokes on FinTwit are absolutely hilarious.

People love talking about shorting Tesla as much as people love talking about being long Tesla. Well known investors love to have Twitter arguments over whether Tesla is a giant scam or the future of transportation.

I have no position here, but my good friend who sold his Tesla shares months ago has been browsing Reddit and sending me posts of people making money hand over fist on Tesla. The fomo is real. If only I had the cojones to put $100k into call options on Tesla months ago….

I’m going to continue to sit this one out. It’s too volatile and risky for my taste. Congratulations to those that made a killing and best of luck to those who are buying into positions this week.