2024 Goals
Every year I try to set my annual goals for the year. The results have been mixed over the years so I’m going to simplify them. Truth is that I’ve got to celebrate my wins a bit more and take more time to relax and just enjoy life more. So I’m heading into 2024 with 4 achievable goals.
Become conversational in Mandarin
I started learning Mandaring in 2023 and even took a 8 week class. I’m closing in on a year streak on Duolingo. I’ve learned a lot of words, but I know I’m still a bit far out from getting to the point of being conversational. That will be a goal of mine in 2024. I want to take my learning to the next level. That means taking it beyond just learning words and actually using my Mandarin. This will likely require getting a tutor or taking a class which I plan to figure out in January.
Get sleep and feel good again
This was a tough year for me in terms of rest and my body. Some of it was inflicted by just poor decisions and some was just unavoidable. The year of 2024 for me will be one where I get back in control.
I know some bad habits will need to change. I don’t plan on quitting drinking, but I need to do a much better job at saying no or coming home early. It’s no surprise that my weekend drinking is impacting my sleep and happiness. Having less nights out and less drinks when I do go out is a top priority.
I also know that I need to get better sleep even when I’m not drinking. That means putting the phone away at bed time. I’ve gotten into some bad habits with Sophia over the last year and that has undoubtedly impacted my sleep.
Be selfish
2023 was a great year of trying to enjoy life with just Sophia and myself. If things go to plan, we may be extending our family soon enough. While I am looking forward to that, I also realize that my life will change. This year, I want to make sure to be as selfish as possible and do as many activities as possible. I’ll be skiing and golfing more. I want to take a few road trips and travel the world with Sophia as much as possible this year.
Start exploring cash flowing businesses
Ever since joining Secfi, I’ve largely put my education on small businesses on hold. It was something that I was very passionate about just a few years ago. My life got too busy working at a small startup and I didn’t put much time or effort in learning the latest trends anymore.
I want to get back into that this year. I have no plans to leave Secfi, but I also know that perhaps my long-term future can be running a small business at some point. Starting in 2024, I want to get back into this and start learning more about running or buying a cash flowing business.