2024 mindset
I’m back in office after about 10 days off and I’m feeling pretty good. It was a good break with a nice mix of catching up with friends, family time, and relaxing. As always, it was good to see my sister and spend time with my family during the Christmas time.
I spent most of the days after Christmas trying to do as little as possible. I caught up on sleep and spent more time on my couch unproductive than I have in previous years. It felt good and I really needed it. It was quite obvious I was a bit burnt out and just exhausted from the last few months and I needed a reset.
I’m hoping that this break gave me that much needed reset to set me off right in 2024. While more time off is always good, I hope that I can be a bit more balanced this year. Getting more rest is important, but also having a much better mindset for work is much needed as well.
Over the break, I realized just how poor my mindset has been the last few years when it comes to work. I had a bit of a boom and bust mentality that let myself get too high when things go well, and conversely let myself get too down when things don’t go as well.
When things were booming, I focused solely on work and that became part of who I was. I would work extra hours and exhausted myself from that. It ended up impacting my personal life a bit as well.
In the last year and half, I was admittedly impacted way too much by the down market. The negative news made everything seem like the world was ending. I focused on the negatives of everything. I told myself that I wanted to stay positive, but truly I just kept wishing that things would flip and go back to what it once was. Of course, it’s easy to be unhappy at work and personally when that happens.
This year, I’m vowing to change my mindset at work. There will be good times and there will be tough times, but at the end I need to be much more even keeled through the highs and lows. 2024 is the year of real positivity - one where I show up to work with the mindset that I am blessed to be in this position right now, not one where I am hoping that things get better to bring back my happiness.
I’ll be more productive and my team will be better off because of it. Most importantly, I’ll be a happier person overall.