A weird year of investing

Like many, my portfolio over the last year has done remarkably well. This should be no surprise as the markets (both stocks and crypto) continue to hit all time highs. Most who have largely stayed long on their positions should have sizable gains over the last year.

As I close out the year-end and start to rethink my allocation and aim to rebalance, I can’t help but think what a weird freakin’ year it is for my portfolio.

My stock portfolio continues to beat the market but not by much. This is largely buoyed by some large outsized gains from a few stocks offset by a few big misses. I failed to trim my $PTON position after being up 100% and I paid the price dearly for that one. I took a heavy loss in $SKLZ and perhaps got caught chasing that one at too high of a price. On the flipside, I’ve made some good calls in doubling down on $SE and $RH.

The star of my portfolio largely is crypto driven. My outsized crypto position continues to grow rapidly and has started to approach the 50% of my liquid portfolio mark. I’m not sure how I feel about this yet. The safe bet is of course to diversify away, but the upside with crypto is there. This position has largely been created on gains and there’s an aspect of house money, but oversized is oversized.

The end of the year is a good time as ever to pay a bit closer attention to your portfolio and ensure that you’re confident in your allocation. I’ll be doing a lot more monitoring as I close out the year and perhaps make some tweaks.