A year to be thankful
On Thanksgiving Eve, I thought it would be appropriate to write about things that I am grateful for. Back in my 20s, I used to keep a daily gratitude journal that I thought helped me stay grounded. I soon transitioned to attempting to write on this blog and thought that could take over my gratitude journaling.
Unfortunately, I haven’t been doing as good of a job on writing about things that I am grateful for. Perhaps I will aim to change that in the future.
This year especially, I believe that most of us can turn to gratitude. It was a difficult year to say the least. We saw war break out in Eastern Europe. The markets have crashed. Fraud is rampant. And yes, most of our net worth has dropped significantly.
I admit I’ve gotten caught up in all the negativity much more than I normally do this year. But none of that really matters in the end. We all should be happy just for the ability to be here today. Having a different perspective on all the negativity can do wonders for the brain and mindset.
So yes, it’s been a rough year comparatively. On the flip side, I am grateful to be healthy. I am grateful to have amazing friends and family. I am grateful to have the support of my amazing colleagues and the chance to build at Secfi.
Life is good right now and I’ve got everything I need. That’s something to be thankful for!