Alone time

Sophia is gone to visit her family for Christmas and most of my friends are headed back to their hometowns as well.

Things are really quiet at my apartment. For the first time in a while, I am sitting here on a Friday afternoon with no plans or idea of what I’m going to do. I am very excited.

I used to be someone who didn’t like being alone. I felt that I always needed the validation of being around friends, but as I grew older, I started to enjoy being by myself and focused on myself.

I started doing solo Sundays often eating lunch or dinner at restaurants by myself. I walked and explored new cities. I learned the importance of enjoying being by myself with my own thoughts.

When you are alone, you learn a lot about yourself which includes the good, the bad, and the ugly. But most importantly, you learn how to love yourself and be independent.

Alone time became harder to come by after Sophia moved in. That’s okay and part of being in a committed relationship. I do miss her a lot and wish she was here, but I also realize that this is an opportunity for me to be selfish and do me things.