The unsexy stuff
I’m listening to Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcast and I’m hooked. I’m currently on Supernova in the East: Episode 5 which has been a fantastic series that which covers pre-WW2 and WW2 Japan.
I am a huge history and specifically war nerd. When it comes to World War 2, many historians will discuss the turning points in the war and how the Allies were able to shift the tide of the war in their favor.
While the battles and bravery of the soldiers are rightfully celebrated, perhaps the biggest driver in the outcome of the war was very simply the unsexy stuff. Logistics, supply lines, manufacturing capabilities, etc. that the Allies were far superior in compared to the Axis.
Dan Carlin discusses the unsexy stuff at great length throughout the series. He discusses the American repair men who were able to repair carriers after a battle much quicker than their Japanese counterparts. He mentions the engineers who are able to build airfields expeditiously to create air superiority. This is the stuff that ultimately wins the battles and eventually the war.
He quotes an American military commander saying:
Amateurs talk tactics. Professionals talk logistics.
It’s a quote that really stuck with me. Everyone wants and talks about the sexy stuff in work…. like the strategy. But when it comes down to it, the execution is truly what matters.
I have grown to love the unsexy things in life when it comes to investing and work.
When it comes to investments, I love the unsexy companies that seem to be chugging along. They may not carry the hype for various reasons. It could because of the industry, market cap or simply that they are flying under the radar. Regardless of the reason, they are great businesses that provide even greater returns.
I bring the same mentality to work. I understand the importance of setting a strategy and having a plan to execute on, but I know that plans can go out the window very quickly. See COVID-19. What matters most is being able to execute on that plan and that starts with the unsexy things in the work place.
It’s the things like training, the cultural building, project management and prioritization that ultimately make the big difference in the long-run.
We need to continue to invest in the unsexy things because that is how we win the war.