Apple Vision Pros
I woke up this morning with an itch to put a pre-order in for the new Apple Vision Pro headset. I am a bit of a technology geek, but not nearly to the levels of some others. I’ve never been one to line up outside of Apple or be the first one to snag the latest tech offerings. But I have to say that I am incredibly intrigued by what Apple has built.
I almost pulled the trigger and was going to decide whether to keep it boxed as a collector’s item or open it for use later. But given that I am at the point of my life where $3,500 is quite a bit of a chunk of change for a fun gadget, I decided to hold off for now.
I will be following along closely and hopefully get to demo some of my friends’ rigs in a few months. It’s probably the most anticipated Apple launch since the iPad, but I still do not know if these goggles will end up being the future of work and leisure.
While undoubtedly cool, I have a hard time seeing everyone working with a headset on all day. I also realize that a lot of joy of entertainment is about sharing it with the people around you and putting on a headset undoubtedly takes away from the ability to chat with friends.
We’ll have to see if this is really the future or if this will be another disappointing “metaverse” like gadget.