
I’m in Asheville, NC for a wedding this weekend. It’s a quaint little hippie town nestled in the south. I have heard of quite a few people moving out here for a lower cost of living as well as a slower pace of life. I can see why they chose Asheville.

The city is surrounded by mountains and there’s green everywhere. There’s outdoor activities galore and microbreweries everywhere.

Crime is seemingly nonexistent compared to other major cities. The people out here really care about creating a great neighborhood and community to live.

It’s fairly interesting when I compare Asheville to San Francisco. My twitter feed is completely filled with people trashing San Francisco for many reasons including crime, homelessness, and corrupt politicians.

They’re not wrong and SF has it’s problems, but I for one am excited to get back home. I just signed a year lease starting in July and I have no plans to move. For all it’s problems, I still love San Francisco.

A place like Asheville is a great place, but it’s just not for me long-term.