Being a good person
I’m fortunate to have some friends and acquaintances in life where I would confidently say that is an amazingly great person. They are the kindest and caring people and anyone would be fortunate to have them in their lives.
For myself, I know I that my friends are not saying that about me. I know I’m not in the top tier of kindness or caring relative to these friends. I’d like to consider myself a good person, but that’s a judgement for other people to make, not me.
All that said, I do try to live my life as a net positive to society. I like to think that one of the reasons I’m on this planet is to help others. Working in financial services, I always try to operate in a position of helping others. One of my top principles in life which has translated to my work life at Secfi is to always make sure we’re doing the right thing for people, even if that jeopardizes business.
Unfortunately, we do run into a lot of bad actors from time to time. I’ve had a lot of stressful situations in the past where you stick your neck out for someone to help them and they take advantage of you. This happened a couple times these past couple of months. I try not to lose any sleep over these situations, but they do eat at you a little bit.
These situations will continue to come up so I try to remind myself that the vast majority of people that we work with are awesome people. A few bad apples shouldn’t ruin the batch. Above all, I shouldn’t change who I am because of these select few people.