Bouncing back
I listened to Barbara Corcoran on Pardon My Take a couple weekends ago and she mentioned that the secret sauce for those who sell most in real estate are the ones who bounce back the best from the losses.
Of course she is referring solely to sales numbers, but you can probably use this and extrapolate this across nearly everything you do in life cause everything is sales one way or another. Whether you can raising a new round, asking for a raise, or interviewing for a job, you are selling something.
In the sales and business development world, you’re always bound for losses. No one can bat 1.000 no matter how good you or your product you are selling is. The hardest part about business development isn’t getting a deal closed, but taking one on the chin and recovering from it.
It sounds easier and we all want to think we’re resilient but tough situations happen all the time. We all take L’s. At Secfi, we’ve had to deal with a lot over the last few months. We’ve had some great wins but it’s always the losses that keep me up at night.
There’s no silver bullet for this. Everyone copes with it differently, but one thing is obvious: the great ones always bounce back one way or another.