Breaking things down to build it back up
We’re in the process of figuring out how to best scale this new business line. The last couple of weeks have been filled with a lot of brainstorming and whiteboarding sessions. It’s been a nice change of pace as it gets me away from a computer screen for a change.
When it comes to brainstorming sessions, I utilize first principles thinking. In the most basic and practical way to describe first principles, it is the process of breaking down something into as smaller pieces and then building things back up.
The end result is hopefully soemthing that utilizes pieces from the original form, but a much more improved and efficient form. I find this immensely helpful as I look to build out a new business line that is more much efficient and effective than previous.
For example, I have spent the last week breaking down the processes and people needed to run this new business line. Instead of reviewing existing business models and finding ways to improve them, I want to break down the model completely and rebuild it back up. This of course is much more difficult than it sounds to describe it.
Most people will build based on what exists. It’s natural. They see something and they want to improve it. It’s much easier than inventing something that does not exist.
But easier is not always the best route. If you want to invent the future, you need to think with first principles. Often the harder route is the better route.