Breaking things down to build it back up

I’m in the process of completely revamping my golf swing. I’ve had an unorthodox swing for some time now and it has worked decently well. I’ve broken 100 quickly and I feel like I’ve had spurts of glory on the course. Of course, a flawed swing rears it’s ugly head often and that’s what’s been happening.

While there is no perfect swing, my swing made things extra complicated in that lots had to go right for me to hit the ball straight. I hit the ball straight often as I was able to recover and build my swing with a bunch of tweaks. I’m now at the point where I realize that my severely flawed swing can only take me so far and I may never get to where I want to if I keep doing what I’m doing.

So I’m breaking everything down and starting from scratch. I’ve decided to completely revamp my swing to eliminate the major flaws. It’s going to be many steps back, but I’m hoping that this will be the springing board going forward for me. Day 1 starts today. With 3 rounds ahead of me in the next week and half, I’m a bit worried about my performance on the course, but the pain will be worth it in the long run.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had a lot of similar thoughts to what we’re doing at Secfi. We’ve been doing this for 4 years and there’s a lot of things that need to be addressed that haven’t. Sometimes things are just not worth fixing and it’s better to scrap the entire thing and build it back up.

We just had a call with our product and engineering team on one initiative that we’ve worked on the last few months. In light of recent events, we’ve come to realize that we need to scrap those plans and restart from anew. Yes, it sucks. We spent time, resources and money on that initiative. But we also realize that to get to where we want, we need to switch course and start from scratch.

Like my golf swing, I wish we had done this many months back, but there’s no better time to start than now.