Bring it on 2025
I wish I could sit here saying that I’m feeling refreshed, but truthfully I am exhausted from life and work right now heading into the first weekend of 2025.
It’s been fun having the in-laws here, but there’s been very little downtime with them and Colin. I had a pretty good holiday season, but with a lot of activities also comes a lot of stress.
On top of that, we’re working through the constant ups and downs of a 2 month year old newborn. We have some amazing days and nights, and then some just brutal ones. Last night was one of those brutal ones and needless to say, I could use a nap this afternoon.
Lastly, work during the holidays are much more stressful than I had wanted. I didn’t get those magical couple of weeks of rest that I was hoping for.
Regardless, life goes on. For better or worse, this is likely to be the new normal for me. But nothing worth it in life is easy.
I’m going to have to be better across all fronts in 2025 — more unselfish, more disciplined, etc. It’s a new challenge, but one that I am excited to take on.
For now, I’m hoping to take January as a nice transition month for myself and Sophia. Things should slow down a bit for work and Colin will be starting to hit that age where things are slightly more predictable. It’ll be a good month to get my life back in line.