Catching up
I’ve had the most relaxing weekend in at least over a month so far. It’s been exactly what I needed. September was a busy product launch month and I went straight into traveling for personal and work almost all of October. A weekend of rest, sleeping and catching up on work/life was exactly what I needed.
I spent yesterday with Sophia going over a lot of the details of the wedding and we made a huge dent. There’s still quite a bit of work to do in the coming weeks, but I feel really good at our 1 month away mark. We’re through the hard parts of the planning and now just focused on the fun stuff like the music and the welcome party.
As for today, I plan on holing myself up at the office to catch up on work and research. I’ve got one major item on my list that’s been killing me the last two weeks. I need a solid 4-5 hours of uninterrupted time to just grind it out… time which has been nearly impossible to find the last couple of weeks.
After I grind that out, I’m going to spend some time researching the Generative AI space. It’s too interesting of a space to ignore right now and I feel already behind.