Celebrating the wins
It’s been a good week of work. We’re finalizing a lot of plans for the year ahead and also have really honed in some of our partnerships. In addition, we hit a big milestone in Secfi Wealth.
Quite often, I get caught up in the haze of work and forget to look back and see just how much we got done as a team. That’s often the hard part about startups. You accomplish a lot, but then it’s onto the next goal or milestone. It’s easy to forget to celebrate the big accomplishments. And we’ve had a lot of big accomplishments in the last quarter.
I couldn’t be prouder of what we accomplished. This last year has been probably the hardest of my career so far. It wasn’t just the hours spent working - I feel like I worked more hours in the past, but rather the outside factors that were outside our control.
Despite all the headwinds, we overcame and we’re in a great position right now in 2023. I’m going to take today to reflect on this and celebrate a bit. Then it’s back to the grind on Monday.