Change is the only constant
I’ve realized that this year is going to be one of big change for me both personally and at work and that scares me a bit.
On the personal front, Sophia and I have been married almost a year and half now. We are thinking about starting a family soon. Our parents are getting older as well. I know that things will look a lot different by the end of the year.
On the work front, this company will be a lot different than what I’ve known it to be the first 5 years. It’s part of business to grow and evolve and we’re doing that. But change isn’t always easy. It may mean a painful and sad transition to that next phase.
My friend’s parents told him that life only gets better. In the 20s, we thought the 30s were going to suck, but it gets better. Same with the 40s. Same with the 50s. That was awesome to hear and made me excited for these big changes in my life.
While it may not seem easy, the only constant in life is that there will be change. Everything will be okay.