Childlike curiosity

I’ve got to spend a lot of time with my little 8 year old sister Cali since I’ve been home. We’ve had a lot of fun together, but being around her makes me realize how I am just not ready to have children yet.

Kids are equal parts rewarding and exhausting all at the same time. Like many 8 year olds, Cali has undying energy and does not stop asking questions.

I am amazed by how curious she is about seemingly everything in life. One minute she may be asking a math question and literally 10 seconds later will start asking me about Lake Tahoe. As annoying as this can be, I can only sit and smile as I can only imagine what I was like as a child.

While I am tapped out on answering questions, we can all learn from Cali and look to channel our inner childhood curiosity in everyday life. One of life’s privileges is the ability to learn and be curious and I plan to do more of that going forward.