Clarity in times of crisis
We’re in the process of finalizing our strategy and plans for the coming year ahead. In a normal year, we’d have done this back in November. But given the volatile market and changing landscape, we had pushed things off to see where things stood after Q1. We’ve still got a bit of work to finalize things, but I don’t think the team has ever been so in sync before.
The tech bear market has actually bonded us a bit closer together and forced us all to be crystal clear in our objectives, goals, and plans. Like pretty much all startups, we likely got a bit lost in the craze of the bull market. We didn’t pay as close attention to the details as we were busy growing the team.
Now with tightening budgets and capital at a standstill, we’ve been forced to tighten up for the better. We’re operating at a much higher efficiency and level. It was absolutely fascinating to watch as each team presented their proposed plans for the year ahead and seemingly everyone was already on the same page.
I’m more excited than ever for the year ahead.