Corona for start-ups
I’ve had a good amount of conversations with friends and business connections in the financial world regarding the market. As someone in the start-up world, the conversations naturally gravitate towards the impact of venture capital funding and start-ups.
Unfortunately, many start-ups won’t make it out of this coronavirus induced recession alive. Of course, the reality is that many would not have survived anyways even if this virus didn’t rear it’s head this year. Still this is a tough pill to swallow and a hard way to go out for many founders and employees with dreams.
There will undoubtedly be a lot of shoulda, coulda, woulda, and pondering what if. The start-up world we live in is one that can be very generous, but one in which the lights can turn off in a matter of days.
I don’t think anyone could have truly planned for a global pandemic like CoVid-19, but start-ups can and need to plan for rainy days, months, and even years. This of course is easier said than done, but the lessons learned from this year will likely stick and be more of a norm.
It’s a new day and age in start-up and venture capital land. It’s up to the start-ups to change their course of action and start planning accordingly to survive.