Daffy and DAFs
Today, Secfi announced a partnership with Daffy. We’re excited to partner with such a great organization. In short, Daffy is a donor advised fund and a non-profit. Users can easily create an account at Daffy and donate to their favorite charities in a few clicks.
So how is this different than just plugging in your credit card to your favorite charity’s website? Well, Daffy allows individuals to contribute to what’s called a donor advised fund (DAF). With a DAF, you can contribute highly appreciated stock and crypto, receive a tax deduction at the full market value, AND not pay any capital gains on the appreciation.
This is a win-win scenario. The contributor gets tax benefits for contributing. The charities get the full market value of the shares pre-tax. In addition, individuals can even dictate which charities get allocated funds.
We knew that charitable giving was something that we wanted to implement at Secfi, even from the start of the company. We want to help our clients do good in this world and we want them to achieve that in an easy, tech enabled approach. Daffy provided that.
We’re excited to see this partnership evolve.