Day from hell and home
I’m officially back in San Francisco after nearly 3 weeks and words can’t describe how good it feels to be back at my desk.
Overall, it was a great trip mixed in with a lot of unfortunate events such as a bad cold turned worse after landing and a stomach bug for an entire day. Yesterday’s travel day was no exception. Here is a bullet point recap of my day:
Flight was slightly delayed. No harm, no foul as we took off 45 minutes after expected.
Seat in front of me decided to see how fast he could lean back and slammed my headphones against the back of laptop and broke them.
Got a lot of work done, but my laptop charger broke so my laptop ran out of battery half way through my flight.
I finally get home, but find my cat looks frail and skinny. My girlfriend said she was worried as he seemed to have a cold, but this seemed much worse. Brought him to the vet almost immediately after and spent 4 hours in the ER.
By the time I got home at 8pm, I was on the verge of collapsing in stress and exhaustion. Seeing my cat looking that frail and weak perhaps pulled the “father” out of me for the first time in my life. It was brutal watching him like this and not being able to help, and I can imagine this is what a father feels like when they see their children in a similar situation.
Everything seems to be okay. He started eating a bit this morning after receiving a few shots and we’re hoping to hear good news from his blood tests.
Unfortunately life is going to present these days quite often. It’s important to stay positive and realize that everything is going to be okay. I had a good meditation this morning and then went to a workout class and I feel much better on my outlook on life right now.