Don't be a d*ck
My number one rule in working with clients and partners is to not be a dick. Admittedly, it’s tough at times and there have been many moments where I want to give someone the cold shoulder or tell them to screw off. I haven’t been perfect, but I’m proud of myself for biting my tongue.
For me, it’s the simple things in my short time on this planet that may make a difference. Trying to help people when I can. Giving people the honest truth. Apologizing when I screw up or make a mistake. Being the bigger person.
Of course, we run into people all the time that don’t have that same mentality. Whether it’s someone who tries to walk all over you or use your time without the right intentions, it happens all the time. It’s often really frustrating and as much as I try to not let it get to me, it does at times.
I never really understood it. People usually want to work with people they like so you would think they would have learned by now. But perhaps they’re just miserable people all around.
I try to remind myself that for every shitty person, there are 10 other great people that I’ve enjoyed meeting and working with. This job is worth it for the 10 awesome people, not that one dick.