End of January goal check
I wrote about my 2020 goals on January 1st. One of the the things I wanted to do was check in a monthly basis on my goals to help me along and keep myself honest. Overall, progress has been good, but I’m not close to being there yet. Still lots of room to grow.
My written goals for 2020:
Continue to deepen my meditation practice including meditating more on weekends and on vacation
Develop a habit of writing daily even if it’s a sentence long
Eat more vegetables and less bad carbs
Make learning about markets a priority and catch up on activity at least weekly
Develop better email/work and home/leisure habits
My end of January 2020 check-in:
I have good but not great on my meditation this month. I started meditating more on weekends, but I still put my meditation on the back burner when I am in a rush or on weekends when I have things to do. In February, I want to focus on meditating on the weekends more.
I have missed days of writing here and there, but I have largely avoided long stretches of missing blog posts. Step in the right direction.
I’m happy with where I’m at, but data is a bit skewed as I was in Amsterdam for half the month. I lost 8 pounds and feel healthier overall, but the real test will be when I’m home for the entire month
I’m making progress here. Again, stats are a bit skewed as I was abroad for much of this and my routine was thrown off. February will be the real test to develop better habits.
Not too much has changed for me here unfortunately. I still check my email first thing when I wake up, and have not be able to fully unwind when home. One I really need a lot of work on.