End of March update
I went to the park today at 5pm to play with some dogs and soak in the sun. It felt really good. Last night and this morning were stressful times of work for no particular reason. I think it’s easy to get a bit of anxiety during these times and I need to take a deep breath at times and relax.
On to the next…
Today is the last day of March and thought it would be good to write about the end of Q1 at Secfi.
This quarter-end at Secfi is interesting for the obvious reason of covid, but at the same time it’s the first full quarter we have as a team as we hired quite a bit at the end of last year. It’s been an interesting ride. It’s a quarter that started with a lot of optimism that may have been derailed a bit by covid and other factors.
On the flip side, we’ve been fortunate at Secfi to have weathered the storm better than most. Our team is healthy and functioning well. We were already distributed between Amsterdam and San Francisco so it was not a major disruption.
After almost an entire year being by myself or with one other person in the other, it was the first time we had a team. We’ve got a small team of 5, but it’s a great team that gets along well. I’ve had a lot of learning adjustments along the way. I haven’t had staff since my last job so that’s been a good readjustment. I also realized that I need to knock the New York big firm life personality out — it still comes up every once in awhile sadly.
Quarter-end couldn’t have come at a better time. It’s a perfect opportunity to sit down, take a deep breath, reset, and refocus. I’m looking forward to grinding as a team from home over Zoom and achieving some good goals in Q2.