Epic weekend in Seattle
I took Thursday and Friday off to fly up to Seattle and attend the wedding of one of my good friends from college. It was an awesome weekend filled with exploring, good food, and catching up with old friends.
I spent the afternoons re-exploring parts of Seattle that I haven’t seen in a few years like the U-District and Pike Place. I got some good food at some of my old stomping grounds. One special moment was seeing the owner of Little Thai who has been running the place for 30 years. I first went there about 15 years ago and while I haven’t been back for a few years, she recognized me and we caught up.
The nights were reserved for celebrating my friends. Like always, it was amazing catching up with old friends and seeing what everyone is up to. Now in our mid-30s, we have all gone down different paths in life, but when we get back and see each other again, it’s like we are sitting in our fraternity back in 2009 again.
One thing that is different than in 2009… the recovery time needed after a long weekend like this. With Sophia pregnant, we had early exits both nights and did our best to sleep in as much as possible to get our rest. While I indulged a bit in the drinks, I had kept things under control. We had also flown back Saturday night to recover on Sunday.
Despite all this, I still woke up exhausted this morning. Even with a big rest day on Sunday and a night of good sleep, my body is still telling me that I overdid it this weekend. Getting older can suck in many ways. I’m getting more sleep and drinking less, but it’s apparently not enough still.
Of course there are times where weekends like this are worth it. I have no regret as I was simply celebrating my good friend’s wedding and if the price to pay is a day or two of being tired, then so be it.
But I also see this as yet another sign. My body is calling out to me and telling me that I need even more rest and even less drinks.