European Healthcare
We’re wrapping up our time here in Croatia as my father in-law’s doctor is writing up a report to send to the insurance that he’s ready to fly home. We’re excited to finally have a date and book a flight. If all goes to plan and we’re out of here next week, we’ll have been here over 4 weeks.
We went to the billing office to check in on the medical bill. Luckily my father in-law had traveler’s insurance so that should cover all their bills for getting home so we weren’t too stressed about the hospital bill. But regardless, it was something that we were worried about as we’ve heard horror stories.
The bill was sent to us and was 2000 Euros. That covers over 4 weeks in the hospital for my father in-law. I honestly couldn’t believe it. I thought they meant 200,000 which candidly is what I’d expect from an American hospital. To put this into perspective, 2000 Euros is less than what Sophia and I paid for our Airbnb here for a month.
It’s obvious that the American healthcare system needs a lot of work. And yes, there’s cost of living adjustments, etc. But it’s honestly ridiculous how much cheaper it is to get proper care here. I hope that we can figure things out. Americans deserve it.