Everything you do adds up to now
Today I launched a social media paid ad campaign to help Secfi’s marketing efforts. To be clear, I’m not a marketer and had only been running these ads as a side project while we’re still looking to hire someone. This side project came up as I’ve had experience running ads before for some of my side businesses over the year.
I started running social media paid ads for one of my early ventures in 2014 when I just exploring entrepreneurship. That got me enough experience to run paid ads for a well-funded VC startup… at least temporarily until we can hire a professional. What would have thought?
As I get older, I’ve started to realize that life has a fun way of coming back full circle. All these seemingly trivial experiences will often lead to meaningful experiences in the future. What seemed like a waste of time actually turns out to be a major life lesson or learning opportunity.
Whether you know it or not, each step in life adds up to what makes you the best you right now.