Getting back in-office

It’s holiday party season and it’s at this point that I’m really missing having a full office of colleagues. We’ve been doing more bonding activities as a company recently which has been nice, but it’s not the same.

Work is simply just not the same when you are more or less fully remote. I have our clients and partners in San Francisco still, so that allows me some human interaction from time to time.

But I simply just miss the water cooler chats and commiserating with my team at times. When it comes to being remote, the fun times aren’t as fun and the shitty times are shittier.

With a potential move to our New York office on the horizon, I’m excited to finally get back in office with the team. We’re growing our office out there again and on my list is getting a more permanent space in the city. I’ll be sad to leave my home in San Francisco, but work is going to be a lot more fun and productive.