Getting into a routine again
Since my wedding a month and a half ago, I’ve been letting myself go and having a bit too much fun. This is probably a bit natural as I tried to get in really good shape going into my wedding. And then afterwards, it was the holidays and I just wanted to relax. That means eating a lot unhealthier, drinking a bit too much, and not working out as often as I usually have.
I’ve started to finally feel the guilt the the few days which is my body telling me that I need to tighten up a bit. I suspect a lot of people are in the same boat after the holidays and the new year.
My trick for getting back into things is just settling back into my routine.
The first thing I’ll do is to set my workout schedule for the week in advance on Sundays. That allows me to know exactly what my schedule looks like for the week and lowers my chances of backing out.
Secondly, I usually set boundaries around when I can go out and have fun. While the holidays and being on vacation gives you the social okay to have a beer whenever, saying yes to drinks every Tuesday is not a habit I want. I’ll usually make a deal with myself that I do not drink on weekdays except when it’s a special work or personal occasion like a birthday.
Lastly, when it comes to food, I also just look to put myself back in some sort of routine as well. My normal course of action is to eat healthy lunches and cook healthier dinners during the weekdays. The deal I make with myself is that I can be a bit more liberal with my food over the weekend.
Setting these “routines” has largely worked for the last few years. It works for me as it’s a healthy balance that I believe is reasonable and sustainable for the long term.