Getting my mind right
Things are fairly quiet right now at work. There’s still news and stories out there in the VC and startup world, but the capital markets are slow right now. We obviously wish things were different, but that is the way things go when you’re in a business that’s tied to the markets.
As a type A person who has lived my first 32 years trying to find ways to be busy, it’s pretty hard for me to accept the fact that I’m not absolutely swamped all day. I get the thrill out of getting things done and/or beating the competition.
It’s funny to think about but when I’m absolutely swamped at work, all I want to do is do nothing or go on vacation. But when we’re in a slow period at work, we just want to feel busy.
I know things will get pretty hectic in the next few months as well so I’m doing my best to enjoy my time right now. It’s good to recharge the batteries and get my personal life.
There’s a lot of work projects that require my attention so I’m focusing on those tasks that normally wouldn’t get the time of the day. But I also know that I need to be my best self when things get hectic later this year.
That means taking this time to recharge rather than spinning my wheels on low value tasks. I’ve come to realize this from working at a startup in the last 5 years. There’s times to absolutely grind, but you can’t do it indefinitely. And grinding on low value projects or tasks just to stay in the grind doesn’t do you or your startup any good either.
So for now, I’m enjoying the relatively lighter work load while focusing on high value projects and getting my mind right for the upcoming year ahead.