Goodbye 2020

This was clearly a tough year for all with the pandemic. It was a particularly tough year for me. My cat died in January and my grandma passed away in October as well. Like many, I’m ready to wish 2020 a farewell.

No matter how shitty of a year 2020 was, I did feel that I grew a lot as an individual. It was my first year in my 30s and coincidentally perhaps the first year I truly felt like an adult. It was a transition year for me. A big focus of mine going into this year was more self care and learning how to treat my body better. I’ve felt that I’ve largely done that. I got perhaps the most sleep of my life in this past year. I went to bed earlier. I ate healthier and partied less. I worked out a lot more.

I wrote about my 2020 goals last January 1st. They were the following:

  1. Continue to deepen my meditation practice including meditating more on weekends and on vacation

  2. Develop a habit of writing daily even if it’s a sentence long

  3. Eat more vegetables and less bad carbs

  4. Make learning about markets a priority and catch up on activity at least weekly

  5. Develop better email/work and home/leisure habits

Overall, I am largely happy with my progress. My meditation is still a work in progress, but improving. I’ve written a lot more this year despite perhaps taking breaks. I’ve eaten healthier this year and I’m more routinely catching up with the markets.

Of course it wasn’t perfect. I worked more than I perhaps ever have in my life. Going into 2021, I want to make sure I find more of a balance and make sure that I don’t reach the point of burn out again. I’ll write about my 2021 goals tomorrow.

In the meantime, I’m looking forward to a crab dinner with some friends as we wish 2020 goodbye for good.