Goodbye and Hello San Francisco

This past weekend, I had an interesting set of activities.

On Friday, I attended a friend from high school’s going away party at Emporium. She’s in the beauty product industry and is moving to LA to take a great gig at a make-up startup.

On Saturday, I picked up a friend from college who just moved back to San Francisco to take a job at Airbnb. He moved to SF after graduation in 2011 and has been in Seattle for the last few years before deciding to move back to San Francisco.

In this day and age, moving between cities every few years seems to be the norm. I’ve lived in SF, Seattle, and New York in my 29 years on this rock. In my last 5 years living in New York and San Francisco, I’ve attended countless goodbye parties as friends and acquaintances decide to take the next step in life elsewhere or just decided that they were bored.

A lot has been said and written about the trend of millenials buying less and less homes with varying explanations including trends of city goers, rising costs, etc. I don’t believe not has been said about millenials refusing to be tied to one city home and wanting to be mobile when opportunity or want arises.

The modern age of technology and connectivity has greatly softened the risk and pains of moving to a brand new city. More than ever, people are moving city to city every few years or even less. I expect this trend to continue and perhaps even become the new norm in the not so distant future.