Grass is always greener
One of my weekly lunch spots by the office is this new restaurant called Hed Thai. It’s smack dab in an alley way in the FiDi and just opened a couple months ago. I was stoked to see that there was an Isan style Thai joint opening up by my office and they have these great lunch sets.
I’ve become friendly with the owner’s husband, Dennis, who runs the front of the house. Today we had a long conversation about living in San Francisco vs Bangkok. He had just moved with his wife to San Francisco a few months ago so they could open these restaurants together.
I have always loved southeast Asia and had on many occasions thought about moving there. I figured that Bangkok would be a likely place where I would set-up given that it’s a large city which I would need. I joked that every week when I start daydreaming about moving to Bangkok or Asia, I have to go to Hed to get my Thai food fix.
It was a fairly notable conversation because while I was dreaming about moving to Bangkok, he was talking about how happy he was to be out of Bangkok and here in San Francisco. He had mentioned that he loved it and did a good five years there, but after awhile, the craziness of Bangkok just gets to you.
It was a great for me to remember that the grass is always greener on the other side. For as much as I get sick of SF from time to time, there are millions of people who would love for the chance to live here. It puts things in good perspective.