Sophia’s water broke at 4:30am Monday morning and we’ve spent the next 72+ hours in the hospital since then. It’s been an adventure to say the least. I’m completely in love with Colin and I couldn’t be happier to be a Dad. We’re taking him home in a couple hours hopefully.
The experience at CPMC has been nothing short of amazing. I wouldn’t say that this is the same as going to a luxury hotel, but in terms of hospital experiences, it was top notch. The facilities are great, but the doctors and nurses here are just amazing.
The nurses here genuinely care about helping you and your baby out. We’ve had multiple nurses come visit Colin after he was born. I’d imagine after working in Labor and Delivery for the many years and delivering hundreds/thousands of babies, they would be over it. That wasn’t the case.
Right now, I’m feeling incredibly grateful. Obviously for Colin and Sophia, but also for everyone and everything that helped bring him to this world. Modern medicine is just absolutely amazing and both Moms and babies have it just that much easier, even compared to when our parents had us.
These next few weeks are going to be challenging in many ways. The sleep deprivation has started and I expect that to continue for a bit. However, this is all worth it. It’s only been a few days, but fatherhood is everything I wanted it to be and more.