Grip it and rip it.
I had probably the best round of golf in my life today at Windsor. It wasn’t my lowest score ever, but it was the best in terms of ball striking and all-around play. I had some amazing shots today. It all started to click for me after I got to relax a little bit and just tried to have fun. My best holes were on the back 9 when I was no longer thinking about my swing or fixing things, I was just in the zone and gripping it and ripping it.
Similar to golf, I love being in the zone when I’m working. Some days and times, it can feel like even the simplest of tasks is a huge struggle. Other times, I can grind out hours of work in a row without skipping a beat doing my best work.
I believe there’s a lot of similarities between being in the zone on the golf course and during work. On the course, the more tense you are, the worst you’ll play as things are out of sync. When I go into a call stressed or worried, it rarely results in a largely positive outcome. My best calls are almost always when I’m relaxed and having fun.
Next time I’m stressed about a call or project, I’ll just need to take a deep breath and remind myself to grip it and rip it.