Hello Q4 my old friend
And just like that, we’re back to Q4. I can’t believe how fast time is flying… I feel like I was just writing about going into Q4 the other day. Football is back, the pumpkins are out and the holiday season is upon us. What a time.
We had hoped that September would be the bounce back month for investors, but unfortunately, we have yet another low month of VC capital being deployed. Times are undoubtedly tough right now with the market continuing to worsen and geopolitical events on the horizon.
Unfortunately, I can’t make the markets come roaring back or force capital allocators to pump money into the startup ecosystem. What I can control is my attitude and mentality going into Q4 and that’s exactly my plan.
Heading into Q4, my teams will be absolute relentless in the market. Instead of waiting for the markets to come back to us, we’re going into full attack mode. It’s no surprise that things are much easier in a bull market for us, but we don’t care and we’re going to embrace this challenge of working in a bear market.
We’re going to grind, build and close in order to ensure that we end this year strong. It’s going to be a hell of a quarter.