Hope for the climate
I just read that it’s the hottest day on record for the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento today. San Francisco is burning up at a whopping 95 degrees today and while I don’t think that sets the record for hottest day in the city, I’m sitting in front of a fan as I write this at 4pm in our office.
I really hope that we’re able to figure out a way to combat climate change. Things do not look good right now. I’m not convinced that as a species we’re made to last millions of years.
Maybe humans are just too smart for our planet. We’ve destroyed nearly everything in our path since we we evolved nearly 300,000 years ago and I don’t see that stopping anytime soon. It’s very much a real possibility that we end up just destroying ourselves.
The positive spin to all this is that we’ve accomplished feats unimaginable for any other species in known history. If there was anyone that could fix what we’ve destroyed, it’s humans.
Only time will tell which path we choose. I remain optimistic about our species and planet, but acknowledge that things look very bleak right now.