I still suck at sleeping

It’s been a frustrating week as I learned that I still suck at the whole sleeping thing. After the awful delay and early Tuesday morning arrival, I powered through the evening and got a decent night of sleep despite operating at about 50% brain capacity. We had a great day of meetings on Wednesday and I was hoping to get some good rest so I can be back to 100% today. It was not meant to be as I spent then night tossing and turning.

The frustrating part is that I’ve been doing a good job at taking things easy while I’ve been here. I’ve headed home after dinners with the team and have been back at my hotel at around 10pm every night. Blame the jet lag, hotel life, or stressful week in general… I still struggle mightily to get good rest on these trips.

In the times past, it’s been overdoing the social events. This time I just don’t have a good excuse. I just can’t seem to get consistently good sleep when I travel for work.

It’s frustrating but on the positive side, it’s been worth the exhaustion. It’s always great seeing coworkers and getting good face time. We did a ton of planning for the next few months and quarters ahead. It’s an exciting time to be here at Secfi and despite everything, I’m happy I made it out to NY.