In-person meetings
I’ve been awful at writing over the last two weeks and I’m not happy about it. Last week simply just got away from me as I was in New York catching up what felt like a years and half worth of meetings in one week.
Speaking about New York - that city is fully back. Nearly all my friends who left in the pandemic have moved back and besides some masks here and there, you can hardly tell that the pandemic happened. It’s every bit as fun and exciting as pre-pandemic.
I had a whole weeks worth of in-person meetings. I missed meeting people in person and it was good to see nearly everyone back in office again. With that said, I felt like I was bouncing around the city all week and not getting much done. It was every bit exhausting and inefficient as it was fun. Of course, the inefficiencies you get from the commute and travel is the price you pay for that in-person camaraderie and social aspect.
Going forward, a lot of these meetings will likely shift back to Zoom. I’ll probably reserve a lot of my in-person meetings for first time meets or special occasions. I just don’t think spending a week in New York cramming as many meetings as possible in a week is an efficient use of my time and energy anymore.
I’ll look to spend this week catching up on sleep and work. I’m in Baltimore with Sophia’s family for Thanksgiving and it’s been nice being in a much quieter place. On Sunday, I’m off to Amsterdam then Helsinki then Estonia. It’ll be another busy week next week so I’m doing my best to rest up this week.