Is 2021 the year consumer is back?

Feeling good again today after a great night of sleep. My energy level is high and I’m running on a lot of positivity which was sorely missing the last couple of days.

I started playing around with Dispo last night with Sophia. I didn’t get the concept at first which is typically the norm with me and consumer apps. Why would I not want to see my pictures instantly? Of course after about 5 minutes playing on the app, I got it.

The app creates a feeling of nostalgia for the good ole days of disposable cameras. With everything being tracked or documented nowadays, people are longing for that feeling of surprise and uncertainty. Dispo provides you with just that in the form of a modern disposable camera. No more taking 500 photos and taking the best one. I love it.

On the topic of consumer apps, it seems that the pandemic has created a sort of resurgence of consumer products. The old saying is to build for consumers for fun but build for businesses to make money. There’s a lot of truth in that saying, but it seems there’s a big a second wave of consumer startups are making rounds.

I’m not sure if Clubhouse, Dispo, etc. will make it to where Facebook and Instagram are today, but early results seems that these may be the most promising apps on the consumer side in awhile.

I wrote last year how this will be a fascinating and interesting time to build startups and we’re starting to see that first wave of new startups hit the market.