It doesn't get better, you get better.
Life works out funny sometimes. I had a very relaxing weekend where I made sure to catch up on sleep and recharge. I woke up Monday feeling great. Starting around 4pm, I could feel something was not right. The rest of my evening was spent on my couch with a fever and what I think is some sort of stomach bug. By 10pm, everything seemed to have past and I felt fine.
It was a hellish 5 hours where I was really struggling, but happy to report that I feel much better today. Onwards…
“Listen. I wish I could tell you it gets better. But, it doesn’t get better. You get better.” -Joan Rivers
This quote came up during my meditation on Monday and it really resonated with me.
We all go through difficult and stressful times where we bound up and just want to escape. There’s many times where I wish I could revert back to childhood where there was no stress and things were easy, but that’s not how life works.
The beauty behind life is that each of these experiences builds character and resiliency. We may not noticed it, but through each time we’re going to through hell, we get better and better.
Life does not get easier, but we get better at life.