It's Friday
For better or worse, I find myself sleeping a lot more out here in Croatia. I don’t know if it’s just pure exhaustion from the past few weeks / months or if it’s just my schedule makes me more tired than usual. One of the benefits to being out here and working mostly west coast hours is that I can sleep in a bit more.
I’m mostly taking today off to relax, get stuff done, and enjoy the town. I just got back from visiting the hospital and it’s been business as usual for my father in-law. Things are still trending in the right direction, but the limbo of when and how we’re going to get home is looming over us and it’s a bit frustrating. We just have to take it day by day I suppose.
We’re going to try to have some fun today and this weekend. There’s not too many activities to do right now in the late fall. We’ll try to go wine tasting and perhaps get a tour of the city to learn a bit of history. But more than anything, it’s sitting and relaxing with each other. I could probably benefit from doing that a lot more.