Life is a good
Sophia and I had a mind-blown moment when we realized that it’s been still less than a year since we had to head to Croatia for a month due to my father in-laws stoke while on a cruise. We went to Croatia in October of last year and stayed for a month until right around Thanksgiving.
So many things have happened since that time, we felt that situation was years ago. Despite incredibly low odds, my father in-law made it through and we did our best to enjoy our time in Croatia. Since then, there have been a lot of stressful situations dealing with the recovery and everything that comes with that.
Life came at us fast during that moment. The realization that our parents are getting older and life is fragile. Sophia has been stressed with a lot of coast to coast trips this year. I’ve personally had to deal with a lot of growing pains as I get older myself.
It hasn’t all been bad though. Sophia and I are beyond excited to welcome our first child this year which will undoubtedly bring a lot of joy to both our families. We’ve had some great trips this summer.
As I sit here on a gloomy Monday, I’m feeling grateful for everything. It hasn’t been a perfect year by any means, but that’s life. My reset week this past week went well. I’m feeling great today and excited to get to the grind.
Overall, I live a great life. I have amazing family and friends. I have an amazing wife. I am grateful for everything I have and I’m excited to have a great week.