Life is cruel and beautiful
I’ve had a bit of a weird morning to kick off my week.
I spent 5 days up in Lake Tahoe with my best friend catching up and just enjoying life doing things that I love. I played a good amount of golf and spent time at the beach. Being up in the mountains with the sun shining down really made me appreciate life. I was really sad to leave yesterday, but I had a great weekend.
The script flipped a bit this morning as I was scrolling Instagram while eating breakfast. I found out that someone I know through mutual close high school friends just lost his mom and sister in a tragic car crash yesterday. If this wasn’t bad enough, this same person went through another tragedy 15 years ago as he lost his father and brothers on the same day.
For someone to go through something like this once in their lives is tragic and devastating enough. But for someone to go through something like this twice losing all your siblings and parents in your early 30s… I can’t even fathom. Call it luck or fate or just life, but no one deserves this. I feel just freakin’ awful for him and hope he is one day able to find peace in his life. He’s suffered enough for multiple life times.
This is yet another reminder that life can be really cruel at times. Everyone will go through hardships and tragedy at some point in their lives. The optimist in me always tries to focus on the positives in these times. If there’s no mud, there’s no lotus. In other words, there’s no happiness or growth without pain and suffering. I’m trying to stay positive today, but it’s admittedly a bit hard.