Living life
I’m riding a bit of a natural high this morning. That’s a bit rare on a weekday yet alone a Monday morning. But the combination of a nice long weekend along with very pleasant weather has me in good feels.
I took off Thursday late afternoon for Lake Tahoe and took off Friday to get a couple days of spring snowboarding in. It was nice to be up in nature and get on the mountain. I unfortunately got only 3 days total this past season as my life starts to get busier and I need more time to recharge over the weekends.
Being up in nature and outdoors always puts me in a good mood. I don’t take Lake Tahoe for granted, but every time I drive up there, I just admire how gorgeous it is and how beautiful life is. It’s cliche, but getting out of the city and away from my computer from time to time is exactly what I need.
On Sunday, we had a gorgeous day in San Francisco and Sophia and I took full advantage to hang out in a park nearly all day. We ended with a great dinner and a good night of sleep. It was the perfect weekend and what I needed.
It’s a great reminder that although I work an often stressful job, there is a lot of life to enjoy. I’m back in the office now and ready to grind again.