Lots to be grateful for
It’s been a tough month for me. As much as we were able to make the best of it in Croatia, it was more difficult than I thought. We had to cancel trips that we were excited for. I did not get the rest that I was hoping for and really needed. Needless to say, I was excited to get on my flight home today. I was going to make it back in time for Thanksgiving dinner with the family.
Unfortunately, we had more bad news. Sophia texted me mid-flight and let me know that her Dad and Mom both tested positive for covid. I had thought I was battling a cold the last couple of days, but my excitement of finally getting home was nullified with a positive covid test. The good news is that my father in-law is asymptomatic, and my mother in-law and I only have mild symptoms and we’re getting better.
So my tough month continues as I’ll be home by myself over Thanksgiving weekend. I’m not going to lie. This really sucks and I’m bummed. After 4 weeks away from home dealing with a scary situation, the last thing anyone wants is to be bound to my apartment. But that’s life and I also realize that I have a lot to grateful for.
I’m grateful for my wife and her family that I have been lucky to be part of. I am grateful that I have a job that was supportive of me working remote for the last month so I could be there to support. I am grateful for the ability to travel to Croatia and meet some amazing people. I am grateful to be home in my cozy apartment and have the chance to relax and recover in comfort.
Happy Thanksgiving!