Marathons not sprints
My wife tells me that I need to listen to my body a bit more. Like always, she’s right. I was absolutely just dead most of yesterday and almost fell asleep in the gym in the afternoon. I went to bed at 10:30 last night exhausted from the week.
I typically don’t set alarms unless I have morning calls and I pretty much wake up everyday by 7am at the latest regardless. Well this morning I woke up right at 9am in a bit of a daze. This never really happens to me and it threw me for a bit of a loop.
I was a bit surprised, but at the same time I’ve realized that I’ve run my body into the ground this week with a lack of sleep and overdoing it on the work.
I’ve unfortunately have a ton of work to do still, but I figured I need to take the weekend to rest and recover. There’s more days and this startup thing is a marathon, not a sprint. Or at least I can’t sprint the entire marathon.