
We had our all-hands today to discuss Q3 and put in plans for Q4. Each business unit and team had a chance to present their accomplishments in Q3. I was particularly impressed with our marketing teams performance this past quarter.

A lot of folks who have not really run businesses think of marketing as sexy ads and viral campaigns. That maybe true for some companies, but for the vast majority of businesses out there today, most marketing is just non-sexy. That includes SEO optimization, brand awareness, content, etc.

Over the years, this non-sexy stuff is what works for Secfi. It is non-sexy because it’s a slow burn. You don’t put out a great piece of content and expect it to drive hundreds of new leads immediately in most cases. For example, a case study I put together on the Snowflake IPO in 2021 is still one of our best performing pieces and continues to be the biggest driver of leads.

We had to really revamp our marketing efforts over the last year or so and the results are really starting to show. The efforts of the team will continue to build on each other and set us up for success over the next few years.